Black Market Exchange Rate Today - Updated Daily

Euro, Pounds and Dollar Exchange Rate at the black Market today

Dollar to Naira Exchange Rate Today

What does Today Dollar to Naira black market rate go for? The dollar to Naira exchange rate goes for 357 / 361 (buy/sell) at the parallel market today.

The Black market is oftentimes seen as an underground economy run by dealers that are not authorized by the government but who run a trusted connection with those who are authorized, usually the Bureau de Changers.

In the table below,the naira to dollar rate is compared against the euro and british pounds

Dollar Rate vs Pound and Euro at the Black Market Today
Date USD ($) Euro (€) GBP (£)
357 / 361 410 / 415 460 / 470
357 / 361 408 / 414 460 / 467
357 / 361 407 / 413 457 / 465

Previous Black Market Rates

The Previous Naira Black Market rate earlier in the week is provided here.

The table below gives a review of the previous Dollar to Naira rate in the parallel market. You can also compare prices and rates from dollar to pounds and also euro.
See all Previous Rates.

Previous Black Market Rate
Date USD ($) GBP (£) Euro (€)
357 / 361 457 / 465 407 / 413
357 / 360 457 / 463 402 / 410
357 / 360 457 / 464 403 / 410
355 / 360 455 / 465 402 / 410
357 / 360 455 / 465 402 / 410
357 / 360 455 / 465 402 / 410
357 / 360 460 / 465 405 / 414
357 / 360 460 / 466 403 / 411
357 / 360 461 / 471 404 / 411
357 / 360 465 / 474 407 / 412

Historical Black Market Rates

The Black Market Exchange rate for the previous month is provided here.

The table below shows a historical view of the black Market Exchange Rate for dollar Euro and Pounds

Historical Black Market Exchange Rate
Date USD ($) GBP (£) Euro (€)
357 / 360 472 / 478 413 / 418
357 / 360 473 / 479 413 / 418
357 / 360 473 / 480 415 / 420
357 / 360 473 / 480 414 / 420
357 / 360 474 / 480 413 / 420
357 / 360 472 / 479 411 / 419
357 / 360 474 / 480 413 / 420
357 / 360 473 / 480 414 / 420
357 / 360 474 / 480 415 / 420
357 / 360 474 / 482 412 / 420