Compare Pounds to Naira Rate at the black market and across money transfer services worldwide.
Pounds to Naira Rate at the Black Market compared to the Moneygram Rate
This table compares the Pounds to Naira Rate at the black market against MoneyGram. The buying rate for Pounds to Naira was used for this analysis.
Date | Black Market GBP - (£) | Moneygram - GBP (£) |
460 | 451.75 | |
460 | 454.96 | |
457 | 455.56 | |
457 | 450.00 |
Pounds to Naira Rate. Black Market vs Western Union
This table provides an analysis of the Pounds to Naira Exchange rate at the Black Market and Western Union. See Pounds to Naira rate comparison in tables below. Here we compared the Pounds rate ( buying ) to Western Union.
Date | Black Market GBP - (£) | Western Union - GBP (£) |
460 | 447.35 | |
460 | 449.39 | |
457 | 449.94 | |
457 | 444.52 |
Table showing Pounds Rate at the Black Market and the CBN Pounds Rate
The Table below compares the Pounds rate at the Black Market to the CBN Rate. See comparison of Pounds to Naira for the previous week.
Date | Black Market GBP - (£) BUY/SELL | CBN - GBP (£) BUY/SELL |
460 / 470 | Not Available | |
460 / 467 | 396.115 / 397.413 | |
457 / 465 | 397.275 / 398.577 | |
457 / 465 | 393.338 / 394.627 |
Pounds to Naira. Best Rate for Sending Money Compared
The table below provides the best rate of Pounds to Naira from different money transfer services. The table shows the naira to pounds conversions for LycaRemit money transfer, SmallWorld, Azimo, Transferwise, Western Union, Moneygram, World Remit and the Black Market.
Date | Black Market | LycaRemit | Azimo | SmallWorld | TransferWise | Moneygram | World Remit | Western Union |
460 | 457.51 | 457.22 | 460.58 | 458.39 | 451.75 | 457.15 | 447.35 | |
460 | 461.25 | 460.82 | 460.97 | 462.51 | 454.96 | 458.90 | 449.39 | |
457 | 457.78 | 460.89 | 455.51 | 462.51 | 455.56 | 459.74 | 449.94 | |
457 | 456.31 | 454.95 | 456.22 | 456.16 | 450.00 | 453.79 | 444.52 |