Rand to Naira Exchange Rate at the Black Market
Date | BUY | SELL |
25 | 31 | |
25 | 31 | |
25 | 31 | |
25 | 31 | |
25 | 31 |
Naira to Rand Exchange Rate at CBN
Date | CBN (BUY) | CBN (SELL) |
Not Available | Not Available | |
20.7041 | 20.772 | |
20.9073 | 20.9758 | |
21.1474 | 21.2167 | |
21.5733 | 21.644 |
South African Rand
The South African Rand is the official currency of South Africa. It is the legal tender in countries such as South Africa, Swaziland, Lesotho and Namibia. The currency code of Rand is ZAR and its currency symbol is R. The rand is subdivided into 100 cents with its sign ‘c’.
The rand is coined from the Witwatersrand (translated as white waters ridge), the ridge where most of South Africa’s gold were found and where Johannesburg is located. In 1961, the South African Rand replaced the Pound and had a ratio of 2 ZAR to 1 GBP. Currently, the most popular exchange rate is the dollar to ZAR rate.
The table above provides the current South African Rand Rate to Nigerian Naira.Moreover, you can subscribe to our newsletters to get updates on the South African rates.
Currency Facts : ZAR Stats
Name: South African Rand
Symbol: R Cent: c
Minor Unit:
1/100 = Cent
Top ZAR Conversion: USD/ZAR
Top ZAR Chart: USD/ZAR Chart
Coins: Frequently Used: R1, R2, R5, 5c, 10c, 20c
Banknotes: Frequently Used: R10, R20, R50, R100, R200
Central Bank: South African Reserve Bank
Website: http://www.reservebank.co.za
Users: South Africa, Lesotho, Namibia, Swaziland and Zimbabwe
Naira to Rand Exchange Rate at Hellopaiza and Transferwise
Date | HelloPaiza | Transferwise |
23.98 | 24.07 | |
24.06 | 24.60 | |
24.63 | 24.60 | |
24.73 | 24.85 | |
24.97 | 24.95 |