Azimo Money Transfer Exchange Rate

Azimo Exchange Rate Today (EUR, GBP, CHF)

The table below provides exchange rate information for Euro, Pounds and Swiss Francs from Azimo Money Transfer Service on . See other rates below.
Azimo Exchange Rate for Euro, Pounds and Swiss Francs
Date CHF Euro (€) GBP (£)
367.44 405.01 457.22
368.13 407.53 460.82
366.76 408.40 460.89

How to send Money with Azimo

Follow the steps below to send money using the azimo website or mobile app

  • Enter recipient details and amount
  • Set up the transfer by entering all details yourself
  • Pay securely (Visa, Master Card, Maestro and bank transfers accepted)
  • Check all transfer details and confirm payment.

Once you have made payment, your transfer will be processed immediately and you will be notified via email and push notification. A direct to bank transfer to Nigeria is usually processed within 2 hours, even on the weekends.

Azimo Exchange Rate for the week(EUR, GBP, CHF)

The table below provides exchange rate information for Euro, Pounds and Swiss Francs from Azimo. See Latest rates above.
Previous Azimo Exchange Rate for Euro, Pounds and Swiss Francs
Date Euro (€) GBP (£) CHF
407.53 460.82 368.13
408.40 460.89 366.76
407.57 454.95 364.63
407.46 455.60 363.42
399.67 447.65 356.87
404.40 453.88 362.01
403.85 455.63 362.10
404.52 456.98 362.24
393.20 444.27 353.08
397.77 450.39 357.88

Azimo Previous Exchange Rate (EUR, GBP, CHF)

The table below provides exchange rate information for Euro, Pounds and Swiss Francs from Azimo Money Transfer Service. See Latest rates above.
Historical Azimo Exchange Rate for Euro, Pounds and Swiss Francs.
Date CHF Euro (€) GBP (£)
359.10 407.38 464.36
359.67 409.90 464.76
359.81 409.29 463.98
359.03 408.48 463.65
360.05 410.05 465.48
357.46 407.84 461.47
357.31 407.55 463.34
356.15 406.97 463.86
358.79 410.45 469.16
357.65 410.40 470.56

About Azimo Money Transfer

Azimo is an international payment service that is fast, flexible and easier to use than your bank when sending money abroad.

With Azimo, sending money to Nigeria is super-fast! On average, your money is delivered in 30 minutes or under one hour. Compare that with the usual bank transfers of 3-5 working days. You can also track the transfer.

Azimo also offers SWIFT. A same-day or next-day priority payments in major currencies. Banks may charge to receive these payments. The receiving account has to be held in the chosen currency.

Azimo works with partners in 195+ countries and holds funds in most currencies around the world which means that money can be sent instantly to 60+ countries.

How to receive money using Azimo

You only need to provide correct bank account details to the sender in order to receive money.

Benefits of Sending Money Via Azimo


  • It is a simple, fast and secure process.Send money within 2 hours to any bank in Nigeria. Even during the weekend.
  • Instant status updates. Track funds online.
  • Best rates and low fees. First transfer is fee-free
  • You can send money to Nigeria in hard currency using the Swift Option
  • It supports sending money in several currencies that include Pounds, Euro and Swiss Franc.


  • Only inbound transactions are available in Nigeria (in most banks).
  • It does not support the US Dollars.

Azimo Fees for Sending Money

The First Azimo transfer you make is fee-free and then they can be as low as 1£. The fees depend on where you are sending money to and from and the method of payment. However, the fees are low compared to other transfer companies and banks. Check Azimo website for exact sending fees.

Azimo Limits

The minimum amount for transferring to Nigeria is 10 GBP and there’s no maximum sending amount. If you need to send higher amounts to Nigeria, additional verification documents will be requested from you.

Although there is no maximum sending amount, some recipient’s banks have a limit set on how much they can receive, so double check with bank before sending.


Yes. You can receive money from almost all banks in Nigeria.

It depends on the amount, the location it is being send to and mode of payment. However, the first transfer made is usually free while other transfers are usually around 1 pounds.

Receiving is completely free. No charges.

There is no limit to the amount you can send.

Azimo boasts of an unlimited sending option. Please contact your bank to ensure that there are no limits to receiving funds in your bank account.