Transferwise Exchange Rate to Naira

Transferwise Exchange Rate Today (USD, EUR, GBP, CHF)

The table below provides exchange rate information for dollar, Euro, Pound and Swiss Francs from Transferwise Money transfer Service as at . See older rates below.
Transferwise Exchange Rate for Dollar, Euro, Pounds and Swiss Francs
Date USD ($) Euro (€) GBP (£) CHF
355.000 411.800 458.394 366.112
355.000 415.350 462.512 367.514
355.000 415.350 462.512 365.678

Transferwise Exchange Rate Today (INR, YUAN, ZAR)

The table below provides exchange rate information for Indian Rupees, Chinese Yuan and South African Rand from Transferwise Money transfer Service as at . See older rates below.
Transferwise Exchange Rate for Indian Rupees, Chinese Yuan and South African Rand
Date INR Yuan ZAR
5.02 51.97 24.07
5.00 51.96 24.60
5.02 51.95 24.60

Transferwise Exchange Rate Today (XOF, XAF, GHS)

The table below provides exchange rate information for Ghana Cedi, Central Africa Franc and West Africa Franc from Transferwise Money transfer Service as at . See older rates below.
Transferwise Exchange Rate for Ghana Cedi, Central Africa Franc and West Africa Franc
73.73 0.61 0.63
73.73 0.61 0.63
73.73 0.61 0.63

Transferwise Exchange Rate for Today (AUD, CAD, JPY AED)

The table below provides exchange rate information for Australian dollar (AUD), Canadian Dollar(CAD), Japanese Yen (JPY) and United Arab Emirates Dirham (AED), from Transferwise as at .
Transferwise Exchange Rate for Australian dollar, Canadian Dollar, Japanese Yen and UAE Dirham
255.174 271.753 3.206 96.631
257.482 272.818 3.206 96.631
258.760 274.806 3.179 96.631

Transferwise Payment Methods (Sending)

Available Payment Methods

  •     ACH
  •     Bank transfer
  •     Debit card /Credit card

Other Payment methods for EU Zone include

  • Sofort
  • Direct debit
  • IDeal


ACH debit is a simple and convenient way to pay for your transfer. Transferwise charges an additional 0.15% fee, and it's always taken from the amount you're sending.This option is for US only. The time for your money to be cleared to TransferWise is 1-4 working days. Social Security Number is required.If you do not have an SSN, you will have the option to provide a US or non-US ID document.
Minimum/Maximum transfer size using ACH is $3/$10,000*

Paying by bank transfer

Sending your money to TransferWise via bank transfer is simple and free. First, you’ll need to set up your international money transfer on TransferWise.Then, you’ll need to exit your TransferWise account, and pay by bank transfer directly through your bank. You can do this either:

  •     Online, through your online banking
  •     Over the phone, with your telephone banking
  •     Or in person, at a bank branch.

Read Important information for Bank Transfer Method:

To make sure that your transfer isn’t delayed, please double check that:

  • The name on your bank account matches the name on your TransferWise account
  • You’ve included the reference correctly — without this, we won’t be able to send your money.
  • You enter the exact amount you’re sending with TransferWise — paying more or less could delay your transfer.
  • You’re all done — wait for confirmation: We’ll send you an email as soon as your money arrives in TransferWise’s bank account. Then, we’ll convert it and pay it out to your recipient.

Paying by card

For a selection of currencies, you can pay for your transfer by debit or credit card. There is a small surcharge for paying by card. If you'd like to avoid payment fees, you can always pay by bank transfer.

Transferwise accepts Visa, MasterCard and some Maestro cards that have a 16 digit card number.Transferwise can only accept payments from locally issued cards, so for example GBP cards must be issued in the UK, EUR cards must be issued in the SEPA area etc.

Like a bank transfer, the money must come from your own bank account. So, the name on your card must match the name on your TransferWise account. If it does not, please be aware that your transfer will be delayed and potentially cancelled.

TransferWise charges an additional fee for using business cards. The fee is charged only because the card companies charge an equivalent fee. Transferwise does not make a profit when they charge you in order to use a business card to pay for your transfer.

This fee is charged on cards regardless if the payment is made using a private or business profile.

MAx Amounts that can be sourced via cards
GBP     £10,000
EUR     2,500€

For other currencies, visit

Transferwise Exchange Rate for the week (usd, eur, gbp, chf)

The table below provides exchange rate information for dollar, Euro, Pound and Swiss Franc from Transferwise. See Latest rates above
Dollar, Euro, Pounds and Swiss Francs Rates at Transferwise
Date USD ($) Euro (€) GBP (£) CHF
355.000 414.285 456.157 363.282
355.000 414.285 456.832 362.373
355.000 412.155 455.785 360.719
355.000 410.735 455.749 360.460
355.000 410.735 457.169 360.808
355.000 410.735 457.950 360.478
355.000 405.765 452.377 356.874
355.000 403.990 452.164 356.211
355.000 402.215 451.596 357.339
355.000 402.215 451.063 356.409

About Transferwise Money Transfer

TransferWise is an Estonian developed money transfer service launched in January 2011 by Kristo Käärmann and Taavet Hinrikus with headquarters in London and offices in a number of cities including Tallinn, New York and Singapore.
TransferWise supports more than 300 currency routes across the world as well as providing multi-currency accounts.

Transferwise currency exchange service offers a cheaper alternative to established institutions.For instance, if you want to send dollars to nigeria, you can send dollars to TransferWise dollar account in US and and Transferwise will credit your Nigerian Account.

It is the one of the smartest international money transfers services in the world and is available in over 120 countries with a worldwide agent network of hundreds of locations worldwide.

In April 2017, it announced its decision to move its European headquarters from London to the continent due to Brexit.

In May 2017, TransferWise launched a new service, the Borderless account. Initially the account is for businesses and freelancers with an account and card for consumers planned for later in the year.The Borderless account was available in Europe and the US at launch. A Mastercard debit card was launched in January 2018 for select existing customers to use their Borderless account in 28 currencies and support was added for consumers.

Also in May 2017, the company announced it had been operationally profitable since the beginning of the year.

Transferwise has been named as one of "East London's 20 hottest tech startups" by The Guardian, TransferWise has also been picked as a Wired UK Start Up of the Week as well as being listed as number 12 in's list of the top 100 UK start-ups of 2012.

Transferwise comes ahead of banks as services offered go eight times cheaper than of banks. It reduced high bank fees from foreign exchanges by providing available technology for simple and secured swap of transactions. Local transfers for receiving clients are also met with little or not receiving charge.

It's investors include PayPal co-founder Max Levchin, Richard Branson. To read more, visit the Transferwise Wikipedia page below


Transferwise Exchange rate for the week (aud, cad, jpy, sgd)

The table below provides previous exchange rate information for Australian dollar (AUD), Canadian Dollar(CAD), Japanese Yen (JPY) and United Arab Emirates Dirham (AED), from Transferwise. See Latest rates above
Transferwise Exchange Rate for Australian dollar, Canadian Dollar, Japanese Yen and UAE Dirham
259.221 274.735 3.193 96.631
260.748 273.776 3.194 96.631
259.612 272.427 3.195 96.631
258.618 271.469 3.188 96.631
259.115 272.321 3.203 96.631
260.641 272.498 3.215 96.631
259.363 271.753 3.209 96.631
258.085 270.049 3.206 96.631
257.943 270.439 3.203 96.631
256.204 271.469 3.191 96.631

How TransferWise works

Transferwise operates on the principle of money without borders. TransferWise routes payments not by transferring the sender's money directly to the recipient, but by redirecting them to the recipient of an equivalent transfer going in the opposite direction. TransferWise's system has been compared to the hawala money transfer system.

Likewise, the recipient of the transfer receives a payment not from the sender initiating the transfer, but from the sender of the equivalent transfer. This process avoids currency conversion and transfers crossing borders. The markups applied usually are not volume-dependent which of benefit to individuals who are sending small regular transfers abroad.

Simply put,when you pay into a transferWise bank account in your country. We pay your recipient from our account in their country using the real exchange rate.

On their website, it says, "Banks could charge you up to 5% in hidden costs when sending money to any bank account abroad. TransferWise is up to 8x cheaper. It's only fair."

  • It is a simple, fast and secure process
  • There are no hidden fees
  • Multiple sending options. You can send funds using ACH, or a debit card, credit card, or Bank Transfer.
  • Only inbound transactions are available in Nigeria (in most banks)

Transferwise Fees for Sending Money

How much does it cost to send transferwise?
The Fee depends on the currency route. The rates for euro, pounds and dollar against naira is presented below.

Fee for Sending GBP
Fee = 0.4% of the amount that's converted + £ 1.00 GBP.

This means that sending £ 1,000.00 pounds from UK to Nigeria attracts a fee of 4.98 GBP already included.

The recipient receives 995.02 while the charge of 4.98 is deducted from the original 1000 GBP sent. In essence the actual amount sent is 995.02GBP and 4.98 is charged.

Fee for Sending USD
Fee = 0.75% of the amount that's converted + $ 3.00 USD
To send 1,000 usd, you will pay a fee of 10.41usd. The fee is deducted from 1000 USD and the recipient gets 989.59 usd in equivalent currency

Fee for Sending Euro
Fee = 0.5% of the amount that's converted + € 2.00 EUR
if you are sending 1000 Euros, the recipient gets € 993.03 EUR and sender is charged € 6.97 EUR.


For more, See

Transferwise Exchange rate for the week (xof, xaf, ghs)

The table below provides previous exchange rate information for Cedi, Central Africa Franc and West Africa Franc from Transferwise Money transfer Service
Previous Transferwise Exchange Rate for Ghana Cedi, Central Africa Franc and West Africa Franc
73.73 0.61 0.63
73.73 0.61 0.63
73.73 0.61 0.63
74.91 0.61 0.63
74.91 0.61 0.62
74.91 0.61 0.62
74.91 0.60 0.62
72.74 0.60 0.62
72.88 0.60 0.62
74.91 0.60 0.62

Transferwise Exchange rate for the week (inr, yuan, zar)

The table below provides previous exchange rate information for Indian Rupees, Chinese Yuan and South African Rand from Transferwise Money transfer Service.
Transferwise Previous Exchange Rate for Indian Rupees, Chinese Yuan and South African Rand
Date INR Yuan ZAR
5.03 52.04 24.85
5.06 52.09 24.95
5.06 52.06 24.84
5.06 51.56 24.75
5.08 51.68 24.70
5.08 51.87 24.20
5.08 51.84 24.20
5.06 51.54 24.20
5.05 51.46 24.70
5.07 51.40 24.75

Receiving is completely free. No charges.

It depends on the route. Please see our guide above

You can receive money using all the major banks in Nigeria

No. Currently, this service is unavailable.

The limit depends on the method used to fund your account.

Previous Transferwise Exchange rate (inr, yuan, zar)

The table below provides historical exchange rate information for Indian Rupees, Chinese Yuan and South African Rand from Transferwise Money transfer Service.
Transferwise historical Exchange Rate for Indian Rupees, Chinese Yuan and South African Rand
Date INR Yuan ZAR
5.16 51.61 26.31
5.19 52.10 26.80
5.18 52.05 26.66
5.17 52.01 27.01
5.16 51.93 26.89
5.18 52.19 26.84
5.17 52.35 26.89
5.16 52.42 26.86
5.14 52.06 26.28
5.17 52.37 26.35

Previous Transferwise Exchange Rate (usd, eur, gbp, chf)

The table below provides previous exchange rate information for US dollar, Euro, Pound and Swiss Franc from Transferwise. Historical rates from the previous months are displayed here.
Previous Transferwise Exchange Rate for dollar, Euro, Pound and Swiss Franc
Date USD ($) Euro (€) GBP (£) CHF
355.000 411.090 461.873 356.353
355.000 413.575 464.997 357.485
355.000 414.640 465.156 357.502
355.000 416.060 466.257 359.512
355.000 413.930 465.210 356.874
355.000 413.575 465.245 356.999
355.000 415.705 467.926 357.609
355.000 415.350 467.340 357.826
355.000 414.285 464.571 357.087
355.000 416.060 466.488 358.007

PreviousTransferwise Exchange rate for the week (xof, xaf, ghs)

The table below provides historical exchange rate information for Cedi, Central Africa Franc and West Africa Franc from Transferwise Money transfer Service
Historical Transferwise Exchange Rate for Ghana Cedi, Central Africa Franc and West Africa Franc
74.91 0.61 0.63
74.91 0.61 0.63
74.91 0.62 0.63
74.05 0.62 0.63
74.91 0.62 0.64
74.91 0.62 0.64
73.66 0.62 0.63
73.66 0.62 0.64
74.05 0.62 0.63
74.05 0.62 0.63

Previous Transferwise Exchange Rate (aud, cad, jpy, aed)

The table below provides exchange rate information for Australian dollar (AUD), Canadian Dollar(CAD), Japanese Yen (JPY) and and United Arab Emirates Dirham (AED) from Transferwise.The table shows historical data from the previous month.
Transferwise Previous rates for Australian dollar, Canadian Dollar, Japanese Yen and UAE Dirham
261.351 272.498 3.178 96.631
262.274 272.924 3.180 96.631
263.126 272.640 3.172 96.631
263.552 272.179 3.195 96.631
262.345 271.539 3.196 96.631
262.203 271.753 3.196 96.631
263.623 272.072 3.206 96.631
263.481 270.332 3.194 96.631
261.457 269.303 3.191 96.631
263.303 270.262 3.197 96.631